Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dinner at My House

Is picky eating genetic? My sample indicates: yes.

When I met Kevin he ate 3 things: steak, chicken and pizza.  That’s it.  When I would recommend other foods he would brush them off with some smart ass remark of judgment, without ever having tried it.  Inevitably, he would find himself in a situation where he would have to try the food in question and low and behold, it is his new favorite.  My mother-in-law has told me stories of how he wouldn’t eat anything as a child, or he would only eat green food and that she thought he was going to waste away.  I am inclined to believe her. 

Now I find myself in a similar situation, although not as extreme, I have a picky eater on my hands.  And what’s worse is that she is only picky for me.  I image her repertoire of acceptable foods is akin to what most two-year-old prefer: pizza, chicken strips, quesadillas, peanut butter sandwiches.  She is also great when it comes to fruit and yogurt (big nutritional wins). Unfortunately, that is about all I can get her to eat.  That said, when I pick her up from daycare, I hear about how she ate chicken adobo or asked for seconds of cucumber and carrots.  WHAT!?!  My kids?   

I try not to take it personally, but I definitely get frustrated on nights when I make a nice dinner and it just sits on her plate until she dumps it all in the sink when we are not looking.  I have also noticed that when she is trying something new and doesn’t like it, she will leave it in her mouth, FOR HOURS, until someone suggests to her that she spit it out.  This almost bothers me more than the not eating because it presents a choking hazard.

Before Kevin and I had kids, we understood that they, in all likelihood, would be strong-willed.  We are both incredibly stubborn and a push-over wouldn’t last two seconds in our house.  I guess if she had to pick one thing to be stubborn about, food isn’t the worst.  And she probably isn’t that different than most two year olds.  What I don’t understand is, why does she save that lovely behavior just for me?