Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Why is it that as a women, you get pegged a tom-boy or a girly girl.  This distinction gets assigned to you at a very early age and I don’t see why you can’t be both.  Most of the women I know and respect could easily fall into either camp at any moment.

I was at a party this weekend with three other couples and their kids, but Kevin could join me, so I was flying solo.  The A’s game was on.  I wanted to watch it which was shocking to all the men.  I like sports.  I like baseball.  I like football.  When I watch sports I like to drink beer.  Does that make me a tom-boy?

I take my coffee black, my drink of choice is tequila-soda and I am pretty sure there isn’t anything I can’t do.  Based on this I am a tough girl, right?

I also like pedicures, chick-flicks and cry every week when I watch Parenthood.  I love the way I feel when I put on a hot dress with four inch heels.  So I must be a girly?

This got me thinking about my sorority sisters.  If we are in a sorority we MUST be girly?  Except one of my sisters does triathlons (yes multiple), can drink most men under the table and manages to be an awesome mom while also traveling extensively for her job in a male dominated field.  I have sisters that are in the military, who are doctors and lawyers.  Very smart, strong confident women.  Then I remember how we all crammed ourselves in the bathroom to get ready for formal recruitment or how we popped a dozen bags of popcorn to watch Friends in the downstairs basement, or rocked out to Madonna during Spring Formal.  You all know who are and I love you!

We work hard, play sports and get sweaty.  We wear lipstick, skirts and stilettos.  Don't label us.  

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