Thursday, March 8, 2012

"Messy Messy!"

My mom told me that as a baby, she could put me on a blanket in the middle of the grass and it might as well have had an electric fence around it.  I would not leave that blanket; I would not touch that grass.  I wouldn’t play in the dirt of the mud, my clothes were always immaculate.  You would think those types of aversions are a learned behavior, but starting at a very young age, I saw those tendencies in my daughter.  Apparently they are genetic; she is definitely my kid.

She will not leave the blanket
(@ 9 Months)
She is not one to dump the spaghetti over her head at dinner time.  Starting around 18 months, when she got food on her hands, arms or clothes, she would start panicking and yell “messy, messy.”  She uses a napkin to wipe her hands and face during and after meals.  She will even often wipe down the table (i.e. push the spilled food around until is covers an even larger area).

With Melody
(@ 13 Months)
She LOVES to swim, but as a child after my own heart, she prefers chlorinated pools to sandy beaches.  On the occasions we have been at a beach or a place with sand, she asks to be carried until we reach the water.  But really, can you blame her, sand is gross.  

She is extremely particular about her clothing.  Shortly after turning two, we let her start picking out her own outfits; it was easier than battling the alternative.  She is especially picky about her socks.  Either end of the seam of the sock must not touch the side of the toe.  The entirety of the seam must be on the top of her foot, otherwise, tears.  Seriously. When we put her in the car seat, if her shirt or jacket is bunched in the back, tears.  If the cuff of her pants or shirt is not exactly as it should be, tears.  If her sleeves are rolled up…you get the idea.

I am so glad (said sarcastically) I have passed on my OCD tendencies to my child.  I wish I could be mad when she goes nuts about something trivial, but usually I agree with her.

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