Thursday, March 1, 2012

Saturdays with the Flints

Our Saturday morning ritual all started about six years ago when we moved to Oakland.  Since then it has morphed to accommodate where we live and how our family has grown, but the joy I find in it remains the same.

Shortly after getting married, we moved to the apartment forest that is Lake Merritt.  We lived on the second floor of a three story complex facing the street so we could conveniently hear the garbage truck come by at 4am, the pride of Oakland driving around with their whistle tips (watch this link - this is actally our local news and it is a real thing) at all hours of the day or night and see right into the apartment across the street from our balcony (I never once saw them turn off their TV).

Every Saturday there was a farmers market across from the Grand Lake Theater.  Kevin and I would walk down to the market, browse around, listen to some music, occasionally buy something, but we were really there for the coffee and the doughnuts.  A little further up the street there was Peets and a Starbucks, so we had our pick.  We would grab doughnuts at Colonial Donut and then go park ourselves somewhere to enjoy our coffee, treats, conversation and people watching.

When I got pregnant with Cara, I couldn’t stand the smell of coffee; luckily we could sit outside at Starbucks while I sipped on Passion iced tea.  I drank A LOT of Passion iced tea that spring.  One year my new years resolution was to give up coffee (that only lasted until March), and even then I still drank my one cup on Saturdays.

When we moved, our ritual changed, we couldn’t really walk, but it was easy enough to drive and conveniently Al’s Donut is right across the parking lot from Starbucks.  After Cara was born she came too, first sleeping in her carrier.  When she was eating solids, I would put cheerios in my bag and feed her pieces so she thought she was getting the same thing I was eating. Now she gets her own little unglazed donut and if we are feeling especially adventurous, a kids hot chocolate.  She looks forward to Saturday morning just as much as I do. She calls the Starbucks mermaid a princess and last Saturday she requested that grandma join us for coffee. Now we are taking Bri along, sleeping in her carrier, but I know that soon enough, she will also be asking for hot chocolate and try to steal bites of my doughnut.

When life gets busy or we are out of town, I miss our Saturday morning tradition.  Over the years I have probably pumped hundreds (hopefully not thousands) of dollars into Starbucks and undoubtedly consumed more calories than I would like to think about, but it is worth it.  Part of the joy of having a family is the opportunity to start your own traditions and this is one of ours and I love it.

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