Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Can you guess who's who?
When I was pregnant with Cara I had no notion of what she would look like, what she would be like.  When I was pregnant with Bri, I couldn’t picture anything different than Cara.  This was especially true when I learned Bri was a girl and even more so when I saw the ultrasound.  Even in-utero, Bri had the exact same profile as Cara.  Apparently my cheeks are a dominate gene.

When Bri was born, she so closely resembled Cara, for the first couple weeks my husband and I both kept calling her by her sister’s name.  Fortunately she didn’t seem to mind.  There is still no denying they are sisters, but Bri is certainly coming into her own.
Carol is outgoing and stubborn.  She didn’t roll over until 8 months, she didn’t really crawl either, never cruised, scooted or pulled up, all the things the books say most babies do; she couldn’t be bothered.  She was a tall baby so most things were within reach wherever she sat and anything else could be brought to her as far as she was concerned.  And then one day at almost 13 months, she just got up and walked.  I remember, I was on the phone and she decided that she had had enough and just did it.  Unfortunately, potty training is going similarly and she hasn’t decided yet that she wants to use the toilet.  She babbled a lot; said her first word at 7 or 8 months (and hasn’t stopped talking since).   She thought everything was hilarious and handed out big laughs liberally.

Bri, on the other hand is calculated and quiet.   She might also be the happiest baby I have ever met.  She smiles ALL the time.  People ask me if she is always so happy, yes, yes she is.  BUT, she rarely laughs.  You have really got to work for the tiniest giggle.  She is content to sit back and take everything in.  She isn’t a big babbler.  She is just now starting to try sounds, but forget getting her to do it on cue.  She also hit all the physical miles stones exactly when the books said she should; rolled over at ~ three months, crawled at ~ seven months, I am sure walking will follow soon enough.

Food is another area where they are very different.  Cara was and is very picky.  Even as a baby, there were certain foods (mostly vegetables) that she would not eat and half of every meal ended up on her bib or face.  When we took her off the bottle at 14 months, she refused to drink milk.  It wasn’t until about six to eight months later when I bought this random straw cups out of desperation that she deemed them acceptable for milk.  Her repertoire of food is very limited. And for some reason, she will eat all kinds of foods at daycare that she won’t eat for me.
Bri, on the other had will eat anything.  She would eat the phone book if I gave it to her.  Every time I try a new food she gobbles it up like it is her favorite.  She is also a big eater, I found that I had to give her two containers of baby food at a sitting just to keep up with her appetite, which is ironic, because she is so skinny.  Everything ends up in her tummy, I think she would like the bib if any remnants ended up there.  We just introduced Cheerios and you would think they have some addictive property by watching her eat them.
Over the next year, I am sure we will learn a lot more about Bri’s personality.  I am already blown away as to how much she already exhibits.  The one thing I am sure of, is that she is not her sister and everything I learned or thought I knew about being Carol’s mom might as well be last season’s fashions, because it probably won’t work.

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