Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Disney: The Aftermath

The Winners: Goofy’s Go-Gadget Coaster, Tea Cups (the spinnnier the better), Carousel, Dumbo, Astro Orbiter, Trains (all of them)

The coaster was the biggest hit of all.  As the roller coaster pulled back into the loading area, Cara lifted both fists in the air like Rocky at the top of the steps proclaiming,” Yeah!”  A freeze-frame moment if I ever saw one.
Tea Cups were a respectable first runner up.  We rode them twice, the second time without daddy (who gets motion sick) and we really got the cup spinning.  She was grinning and giggling so loud, it was reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat.

The Losers: Peter Pan, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, basically anything dark
The first ride we did was Peter Pan, no more than 30 seconds in, she was in tears, scared of the dark and begging us to get off.  Oops.  A few rides later, she indicated that she wanted to go on Mr. Toad, same thing.  We should have known better, but we let her talk us into it.  After that, we avoided Snow White and Pinocchio.

What I learned
Disney must release a crack-like vapor into the air, only effective on children under ten that keeps them at an energy level well above the normal range.  However, the minute you are off the premises, and out of the vapors range, you child will crash, hard, like within 30 seconds.

If you have a daughter, be prepared to wait in line for at least an hour, to spend less than ten minutes taking pictures of the princesses and you own precious princess with a grumpy face.
Weight training is advised in advance of your trip, four days later and my legs and arms are still burning from lugging around 40lbs of kid for several miles over two days.  (And I think I am in fairly decent shape)

Hedging our bets and going on week days paid off.  Week days equals shorter lines, which equals happy kid, which equals happy mommy.  ALSO, get there when they open, your kid is already going to be up, so you might as well capitalize on that time.  We covered all of Tomorrow Land in just over an hour, very efficient.
The biggest take away though was that despite the aches and lack of sleep, the experience brought so much joy to my daughter and I can’t wait to do it again when Bri is old enough.

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