Thursday, May 31, 2012

This is a BART Public Service Annoucment

This is a public service announcement.  Please refer to this guide when you are considering questionable activity on BART.  This is sure to rub some people the wrong way, but you know what, all these things rub me the wrong way.  If you don’t like it, start your own blog. (Feeling kinda snarky right now)

Please DO NOT, brush your hair, pluck your eye brows, floss your teeth or clip your nails.  If this were a game, your goal would be to not leave any biological evidence that you were ever on the train. 

If you are listening to your music so loud I can make out the lyrics, even if you are using headphones, it is safe to assume I do not share your taste in music and respectfully ask that you turn that noise down.   

Please DO NOT pick your ring tone on the train.  If someone calls you, I am sure your current ring tone will do a great job of alerting you to the call.  And on that point, if you have an obnoxious ring tone, please pick up your phone immediately; do not look around like you are trying to play it off on someone else.  You aren’t fooling anyone. 

Please DO shower before boarding, and if you choose not to, don’t give everyone the evil eye when they move away from you.  You stink and you know it. 

I am not a pillow, please DO NOT fall asleep on me.  

We don’t live in the animal kingdom, obnoxious repetitive sounds are not endearing.  This includes but is not limited to: popping your gum, clicking or sucking noises with your tongue, lips or teeth, snapping or tapping. 

Please DO NOT stand on the left side of the escalators.  And if you do, expect to get run over and yelled at. 

If you insist on sitting in the outer seat of a row, please DO stand up and get out to let the person on the inside out.  You chose to sit there, moving your knees slightly to either side doesn’t cut it.  AND if you won’t stand up, DO NOT get pissed when you get whacked in the head by someone’s bag as they try to climb over you. 

People with large backpacks or accessories, please DO be aware of the space occupied by your carry on, no one appreciates getting knocked over because you found it necessary to take your whole life with you (I am so guilty of this one). 

Women traveling in groups, please do us all a favor and use your normal voice instead of the women traveling in groups voice.  Ever notice, the more women in the group, the higher the octave. 

For men traveling in pairs, you are probably not as important as you think are, and your buddy that you are trying to prove it to knows you’re completely full of it. 

And finally, just use common sense, nobody actually wants to be on BART, it is just a necessary evil of living in the Bay Area and beats getting stuck in (insert bridge or freeway here) traffic. 

Thank you, that is all.  Train Operators please disconnec......

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